Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pittsburgh, we're comin for you

Summer living has begun! We packed our stuff and moved across the country again. This year to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I have been dreading this summer so much. I cried as we left our apartment, not because I wanted to stay, but because I can't handle another summer of disappointment like last year. Kalob has decided to become an alarm salesman this year. He gives up salary, managing, and his years of experience in installation for this. We are crossing our fingers it pays off. We are hoping for less stress, better hours, and more respect. Let's find out! 
 We actually won't get to our new home til tomorrow. It's been a rough ride with Lincoln so far. Two year olds have a lot of energy. Far too much for 10 hours in a car seat. He has been very emotional about the move. We've been talking to him about it for months. He screamed "don't pack my clothes!" And " don't put my tricycle in the trailor"  and yes, he can articulate that well. And now on the road he's been yelling " I don't wanna go to Pittsburgh, I wanna stay in heretah (Utah for some reason)" " I just want to snuggle, out my car seat" " do you hear me!!!?" It's no fun, let me tell you.  We had to add one more day to our trip to make the days a little shorter. 10 hours the first day, 6 the second, 12 today, and 6 tomorrow!  
 We were able to see Mt Rushmore and stretch our legs.
That and visiting one of my oldest and best friends in South Dakota have been the highlights so far.
I am soo tired of McDonalds, I could not eat it for a year and be perfectly happy. 
This creepy goat was standing right next to us. We didn't even notice til Lincoln said " I see a goat" I turned around and screamed ;)