Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October festivities #2

we went on a date to buca di beppo's recently. it's so good and so much food! these two boys are my most favorite people to hang out with on a Friday night. We followed up our Italian meal with some gelato. 
Somebody Really liked it :)
We went to a pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin for the season. Molly came along for the fun. Lincoln has never been before. we picked out a wagon and searched among the piles of orange. I wanted a giant one and Lincoln was allowed to pick out his very own small one. he didn't quite go for small though, he went as big as he could carry! he kept kissing them, and trying to hug them, but the stems poked his face. 
we haven't turned them into jack o lanterns yet, but it's the plan this week! He loves looking out at them perched on the windowsill. He insisted on patting them or kissing them when we go outside to play. 
He went to his very first Halloween party last night.  He was very excited to wear his baseball costume; I mean, he's gotta be the cutest baseball player ever. thanks becca for the great costume, we've been waiting months to wear it! he ran around the complex party collecting candy in an Easter bucket( aren't we great parents!?) 

I plan to find even more fun things to do around this great city we live in during this Halloween time. i have a calendar full of circled events already. I personally really want to go on a bus tour around slc that tells you all about the haunts and history of the city. But Kalobs not sold yet; I'm still trying to convince him.  I think October is my most favorite month.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rocket launch!

One time on a family vacation to the bech growing up, we were all sleeping in a hotel room. Clint sat up in bed alseep, with his arms stretched out in front of him like a zombie, and said " don't interrupt the launch!" We all get a kick out of that story. 
I was reminded of that funny memory today. We took Lincoln to a scarecrow festival where they had a rocket launching station.
It was just one dollar! You picked your rocket base- Lincoln chose yellow because it's his favorite color and he knows how to say it. then you picked out your own flaps which they glued on for you, and then you decorated it so it would be distinct to you. Lincoln's had a star sticker and kalob wrote " Lincoln USA!" on it. you could launch as many times as you wanted, and they flew very high and far! Everyone had to watch the skies! 
Here is Lincoln saying 000h, aahh, and cheeese! He was very interested in watching the rockets.
Ready to shoot his own. 
Pushing the button!
and running to find it so he could do it again! 
And again
And again....
It was really so fun because you could tell how much he loved it! kalob really wants an air compressor now :) I thought it was neat that Lincoln knew exactly where and what his rocket looked like. It was totally worth one dollar! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October festivities

We have been having so much fun recently.  The weather has been perfect to me. I really love fall. Lincoln and I have been spending lots of quality time together. 
Here we are at the zoo! 
This polar bear just pushes off the glasses and back strokes, flips under water and pops back up at the glass. It's pretty dang incredible! 
Lincoln loves the giraffes. He had the most cheesy joyful smile on his face, practically the entire time! 
Aunt emi came with us to the children's museum!  They played on a mini-mini grand piano. 
Precious. I can only handle that place for an hour before I'm exhausted. 2 floors packed with dirty crazy children Everywhere. I feel like I'm just running damage control the entire time! Lincoln is still learning to share :) 
Kalob used to be a reading tutor for children back in high school. He is starting linc early. Aside from just pointing out pictures. Lincoln now points to specific letters and tries to guess which ones they are. The letters he says most are the ones in TRUCK. He pretends to read to us a lot, sometimes he won't even let us read to him at bedtime. He takes the book, hops off our laps and reads it to himself. He is very into copying what we are doing.....
Perfect example- tonight, kalob was looking at his computer on the floor. Lincoln runs and gets "his" iPad and plops down right next to him. He kept getting closer and closer til their legs were touching. He wants to be just like dad.  It was sooo cute! he was beaming. 
We try to limit his iPad usage to the morning block of time, when the parentals are still sleepy.  he will play games quietly between us. honestly though, he has learned so many words from that thing.  He says random words sometimes, out of no where, which we haven't even worked on yet. Example, cub, arc, ant, bee, dot.... 
he's been practicing shapes, colors, household items, as well as animals. he was able to point out 4 colors correctly today! Purple, yellow, green, and red. He also can do puzzles which I feel are advanced for him. it's incredible not only does he know how to swipe, open each game, and push the home button when he wants another, how to open the videos app, get Mickey Mouse club house, and turn up the volume, press play and pause,,, but he knows how to screen grab as well. he's not even 2 people! Technology babies!!  He does cry for "pado" too much for our liking, hence trying to limit it, but It does come in handy for car trips and trying to do the dishes without him hugging my butt . 
If he could, he would play outside all day. this was today, but it started raining soon after. His hopes were dashed :( but he got to fingerpaint instead! so I guess it turned out alright for him. I already have a second post in the works of fun things we've been doing.  This month has just been great to us! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

my growing boy

I don't think I ever made an update on Lincoln's growth. He's back in the charts!! 19th percentile for weight. Whoo hoo! His growth in New Jersey was probably one of the only highlights. He just decided to eat enough to grow finally.
He insisted on trying sushi. Starting him young! It looks like he doesn't have the buds for it yet. I was proud he just stabbed it up with his chopsticks though! we were all like "What's he doing!? take a picture! Quick!" 
 He's 32 inches and 23 lbs right now at 18 months. Boom! 
This is his blue steel face :)
He loves playing outside in the park. But it can be pretty terrible trying to pass it to get to the parking lot. It makes me feel like a bad mom too, when I just want to sit inside in my pajamas. there is a hoard of women out there who sit together everyday. I'm just not brave enough. I did recently join the moms club here in the complex, maybe if I ever go to an activity i'd get to know the ladies outside. 
This is my brother Clint at Lincoln's age, Twins! side by side is crazy to me. it's funny that I always imagined Lincoln looking like that, maybe just because I thought Clint was an adorable toddler and wished him to be the same.  I think that's every moms nightmare, to have an ugly child. Am I right? Or just vain? 
Lincoln is talking like crazy now. He knows over 60 words. Tries to repeat, pretends to read his books, talks on his plastic phone, sings even. His new favorite jam is daft punk's " lose yourself to dance." Anytime we get in the car, we hear dance, dance pwease, dance, from the back seat. 
His most favorite food is apples right now. 
We picked apples this last weekend up at my moms. These were all the Bad! they'd been on the ground too long. the craziest part was when we got a ladder, and there was giant bite marks in the apples way up high! Like 1/2 the apple!  Dinosaur maybe? More likely raccoon, but surprising to pluck an apple and it already been bitten. 
Lincoln is just a silly boy, almost annoying sometimes. Should I admit that?  I think it's his terrible twos rearing to go. He loves to climb into our laps, high chair, back of the couch, and crib. I'm afraid he's going to kill himself. he has lots of energy and is experimenting with volume control. He yelled his way through lowe's yesterday, embarrassing. he also calls kalob by name, instead of daddy sometimes. ( it's secretly funny ) 

When he was reintroduced to his cousins this weekend, he cracked us all up. He just walked right up to them and stared up at their faces for the longest time, to each one separately. I really don't know what he was thinking. Maybe trying to remember them, or he was just in awe to have friends more his size. 
Look at all three of these cuties piled on Kalobs lap! 
I know im lucky to have so much attractiveness in my life! Just look at these two. It kills me...their matchy matchy outfits. I love watching them outside the window playing in the sandbox, or riding a tricycle. 
I love my boys.