Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rocket launch!

One time on a family vacation to the bech growing up, we were all sleeping in a hotel room. Clint sat up in bed alseep, with his arms stretched out in front of him like a zombie, and said " don't interrupt the launch!" We all get a kick out of that story. 
I was reminded of that funny memory today. We took Lincoln to a scarecrow festival where they had a rocket launching station.
It was just one dollar! You picked your rocket base- Lincoln chose yellow because it's his favorite color and he knows how to say it. then you picked out your own flaps which they glued on for you, and then you decorated it so it would be distinct to you. Lincoln's had a star sticker and kalob wrote " Lincoln USA!" on it. you could launch as many times as you wanted, and they flew very high and far! Everyone had to watch the skies! 
Here is Lincoln saying 000h, aahh, and cheeese! He was very interested in watching the rockets.
Ready to shoot his own. 
Pushing the button!
and running to find it so he could do it again! 
And again
And again....
It was really so fun because you could tell how much he loved it! kalob really wants an air compressor now :) I thought it was neat that Lincoln knew exactly where and what his rocket looked like. It was totally worth one dollar! 

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