Sunday, October 28, 2012

8 months

Lincoln had his 8 month appointment. he had some shots :( his pediatrician gave him a tiny board book for being so good. I'm sure every baby gets one, but it's nice to feel special. he only cried a minute. He is 20 lbs and 27 inches tall. Lincoln also graduated from physical therapy! His torticollis is all better. his neck still looks off from the back , but the therapist believes that will fix itself by 2 years old. he has a near perfect round head( thank goodness) 2 mm difference on his tight side, anything under 3 mm is normal. We are happy about that! No neck brace or helmet!
Developmentally he's great. he's cruising along furniture and getting braver everyday. letting go with both hands sometimes to test his balance.
We are currently working on him drinking from a sippy or plain cup. Eating more food too. sleeping in his own bed in his own room, soon enough. clapping and waving.
He loves books. he loves patty-cake, itsy bitsy spider, and I'm a lil tea pot.
he can now get dressed without crying.
he is afraid of dads drill and moms blow dryer.
he likes puppies especially Clint's dexter.
he is exploring everything, he even crawled soo much on our scratchy carpet that he got rugburn on his feet and bled. now I know socks! Socks! Socks on this kid at all times!

I love this kid so much. I love our lil family so much. life is good.


  1. What a cutie! He looks so much older than just a couple weeks ago! And his hair looks longer!! We're excited to see you guys this week!

  2. Love the swing picture! Miranda hates the hair dryer too.
