Saturday, October 13, 2012

Its 1 am

Poor linc is teething. and night time has become contentious for us all. he insists on jumping up and down holding the head board. he hates diaper changes and putting on pajamas. he wants to be laying on us instead of between us. it's kinda cute so we let him annoy us. When he finally does sleep, he cries out in his sleep and wakes often. :(
Oh ya, and he crawled right off the side of the bed the other morning. I was so sure he broke his neck so i laid beside him, consoling him, afraid to move him and I debated calling 911. I called kalob instead. he took 25 seconds to answer( it was on speaker so i could see the count!) so i was yelling at him and crying when he finally answered. he said- he's breathing ( and crying)? is he moving? he's not broken. no blood? He's fine harmony.
This is the first of many falls, I know it. But I was a second behind him, just out of reach! it was terrifying. I need to accept this kinda thing, I have years of boy bruises and scrapes ahead of me. he is fearless at 7 months!
I take that back. He's afraid of packing tape, the vacuum, and his parents not sounding like they normally talk :)

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