Saturday, November 9, 2013

Catching up!

So I was able to snag Kalobs phone for a bit and found a bunch of photos that I never was able to post. So bare with me people. it needs to be documented!  
 First, I thought I talked about this beach day before, it was Father's Day, but I looked back and couldn't find any post about it! We spent the last two Father's Days at the beach on the east coast. This year we were at a board walk in New Jersey. kalob and clint rode the sling shot ride! Twice! 
Lincoln and I watched them screaming from below. After dexter took a dump on the boardwalk we headed for the sand :) 
It was kind of cold out, so we only got our feet wet. 
Clint and dex enjoying some waves. dex and a seagull were playing tag together. It was pretty cute seeing floppy dex bounding down the sand and of course Lincoln running to catch up. 
I think it would be a nice tradition to go to the beach for every Father's Day. It was unintentionally started, but I hope it sticks :)

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