Sunday, October 28, 2012

8 months

Lincoln had his 8 month appointment. he had some shots :( his pediatrician gave him a tiny board book for being so good. I'm sure every baby gets one, but it's nice to feel special. he only cried a minute. He is 20 lbs and 27 inches tall. Lincoln also graduated from physical therapy! His torticollis is all better. his neck still looks off from the back , but the therapist believes that will fix itself by 2 years old. he has a near perfect round head( thank goodness) 2 mm difference on his tight side, anything under 3 mm is normal. We are happy about that! No neck brace or helmet!
Developmentally he's great. he's cruising along furniture and getting braver everyday. letting go with both hands sometimes to test his balance.
We are currently working on him drinking from a sippy or plain cup. Eating more food too. sleeping in his own bed in his own room, soon enough. clapping and waving.
He loves books. he loves patty-cake, itsy bitsy spider, and I'm a lil tea pot.
he can now get dressed without crying.
he is afraid of dads drill and moms blow dryer.
he likes puppies especially Clint's dexter.
he is exploring everything, he even crawled soo much on our scratchy carpet that he got rugburn on his feet and bled. now I know socks! Socks! Socks on this kid at all times!

I love this kid so much. I love our lil family so much. life is good.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

slow and steady

we are trying to get unpacked. it's not going very quickly. we have driven back and forth to logan a couple times and! we went to Provo and! to tooele where I was able to get my hair done, finally, and see good friends.

today was supposed to be our first day at home but we filled it running around instead. so our boxed up apartment is still waiting for us.

we have a formal award party next week for Kalobs job, where he will be accepting an award! he is one of the top five lead techs for the company. Told yuh he works his butt off! Linc and I are so proud. All this means is, I needed to get a dress. so we shopped around for that. linc is wearing a lil bow tie and tux shirt from Alison!(thanks) he's going to look so cute.
we shopped at whole foods which is a guilty pleasure. we just want to Taste and buy everything! we also got memberships to the children's museum. Plan to be spending hours upon hours there. we ended our day at Pats BBQ, to see Clint work his magic. He runs the sound there, on weekends. Linc loved seeing him and listening to the live band- bouncing up and down to the beat and slapping his hands on the table. plus the food is way good, I recommend the brisket sandwich. hopefully we will be more productive around the house tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I like to move it move it

not really. Alas, we are in Salt Lake City now. it's time to unpack it all! Thankfully I have super-siblings that were willing to help us and a mom with a beautiful new home we could crash at for a couple days.
our apartment is smaller than we thought and older than we thought , picture 70s brown flower back splash and a miniature stove. popcorn asbestos ceiling( 100% serious about the asbestos) against the rules to poke it. but that's what you get for getting apartments site unseen.
That's not really true though, my brothers family lived here and they decorated it so nicely. If only I could be as design savvy. You might be seeing some before and afters soon as I attempt. I've heard you make the biggest memories in the smallest houses. Lets hope it's true.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


So we have been on the road for 3 days already. we are stopped at a loves truckstop right now. we are sooo tired of eating gas station food. At first you're like ohh I want trail mix and diet coke and maybe an Ice cream and some sun chips and then it starts getting out of hand and your like barrrrf, I'd rather starve. (35 hours is a long drive, Lincoln can tell you). he's been good but he's bored. And we were out in the wind last night and he got chapped cheeks. and I had no lotion so I really put Bert's bees on it ;)

Monday, October 15, 2012

All sorts of helping

my busy baby wants to be mommys little helper. I now see the need for baby proofing.
We had to box up all the pinnacle equipment to ship back and we let him loose.
we should be leaving tomorrow or the next day ( more likely). thank goodness.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Its 1 am

Poor linc is teething. and night time has become contentious for us all. he insists on jumping up and down holding the head board. he hates diaper changes and putting on pajamas. he wants to be laying on us instead of between us. it's kinda cute so we let him annoy us. When he finally does sleep, he cries out in his sleep and wakes often. :(
Oh ya, and he crawled right off the side of the bed the other morning. I was so sure he broke his neck so i laid beside him, consoling him, afraid to move him and I debated calling 911. I called kalob instead. he took 25 seconds to answer( it was on speaker so i could see the count!) so i was yelling at him and crying when he finally answered. he said- he's breathing ( and crying)? is he moving? he's not broken. no blood? He's fine harmony.
This is the first of many falls, I know it. But I was a second behind him, just out of reach! it was terrifying. I need to accept this kinda thing, I have years of boy bruises and scrapes ahead of me. he is fearless at 7 months!
I take that back. He's afraid of packing tape, the vacuum, and his parents not sounding like they normally talk :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Lincoln's life according to kalobs IPhone

photo bomb!

eating at the table
playing with Miranda!
playing in toybox
Bath time
Lil gym
And just bein cute!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Thanks grandpa Marty for the package! Lincoln loves to read books and the lil monster is such a cute new pal, just perfect for Halloween.

Last day at lil gym

kalob came with us today to see his boy in action. Bye lil gym, it's been a blast!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Feeding himself

Linc is trying to be more independent. Which means grabbing for the spoon and splattering food all over me. I've been securing(trapping) him into his bumbo seat and letting him try and pincher grab his puffs. he usually just rakes them all into one fist and then can't get them into his mouth.
He doesn't want baby food anymore. Only finger foods or human food off our fork\spoon.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

mess maker mess maker

holy cow what a difference a week makes. this kid is nonstop! he even practices crawling in his sleep. And in bed last night, he was sleepy on the hunt for milk and was standing slapping kalob in the face!
He has to be watched around the clock because there is no way to baby gate or baby proof really. since we are leaving so soon!!! ( never thought it would come) linc does fall often and at first I would scoop him up as soon as he let out a cry. But now, I gotta let him get back up. We don't want a sissy la la. he cries out of frustration and because he's scared more than anything. For instance. he cruised himself off his toy box and onto the door to our bedroom. He was stuck there pounding on the door and crying all crazy. not hurt. He didn't even fall, he just knew eventually he had to to get anywhere else.

he leaves a trail mess everywhere he goes. we love our monster

Monday, October 1, 2012

Winter wonderland ?

I feel like fall is here, finally. And then, on our way back to Utah, we will hit snow and it will be winter already! I better enjoy the weather now. The long sleeves instead of puffy coats. Ahh I live for boot season! And I get to wear my favorite frenchy hat. I don't care if they were the instyle thing like 2+ winters ago. I love it!
Lincoln has been trying on his winter outfits to see what we need when we get back.