Thursday, May 31, 2012

For the life of me

We cannot get Lincoln to laugh. He will smile and open his mouth way big, but no laugh! He has in his sleep before and we've gotten pretty close a couple times. But no luck. He is 3 months today with no giggles yet. I hear kalob was a very serious baby/kid. he must take after him. I can't wait to find out what breaks him.

On another note. Linc threw up on my shoulder and then thought it was a good idea to lay his head in it.

Monkeyin around

Look at him being a monkey!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Linc loves toys as you all know. He gets super focused, almost like he's reading them. see...these are his new squishy blocks

Just some pictures

Linc is driving me bonkers today. He's either sleeping or whining/crying. I dunno what his deal is. I don't think he's teething yet, but I could be wrong

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's raining it's pouring...

Lincoln doesn't know how he feels about the rain. look at this funny face . he's a little bit worried about getting wet.

Feeling loved

We have felt very special these past couple days. Any gift given to my Lincoln is really a gift to me. A happy baby makes for a happy mommy. A jumperoo from grandma, some squishy blocks , a lil book and new clothes from grandpa, and he even got a new outfit on mothers day from Grammie in Utah. he's spoiled rotten which makes me feel spoiled rotten.

speaking of mothers day... I've had some time to think about it and...having a baby makes you think about your own mom. I didn't realize that at the beginning of my life, my mom loved me as much as I love Lincoln, which is a crazy lot. I hope she loves me that same amount now. You don't know what unconditional love means, til you have a baby of your own. You have incredible patience, you never get tired of your baby who is with you 24 hours a day, you hurt when your child hurts. Love like this is cliche and its perfect.
I am not pregnant and we are definitely not trying anytime soon. But all the sudden I've been saying " when the new baby comes..." or " when we have another..." in conversations with kalob. I guess I have more love to give and I already know it


Lincoln received the coolest gift today!! A jumperoo from his grandma brownfield. I am so proud of myself for putting it together all on my own. Lincoln helped me a little by playing in his bumbo quietly. It was a taste of what christmas will be like, trying to assemble while Lincoln is asleep. ( he will be 10 months at Xmas!!! I can't wait) he was very excited in the rain forest jumper. His toes barely reach the ground right now but he's figuring it out. And he did actually jump ! I was beaming! It turns in a complete circle so when he learns to move there are different toys all the way around. He was very focused on the toys. Thank you Audrey!

The pictures are a lil blurry because he was bouncing!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


linc can finally swat at his toys! he also took 2 naps all by himself today which is amazing. he received a big package from his grandpa yesterday! New clothes and toys! he is so spoiled

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Just catching up

I don't really have much to write about. We had an office BBQ today so linc went swimming with dad this time. I put a beanie on his lil head since I didn't have a sunning hat for him and he looked like an elf.

He plays with his elephant and hugs it.

His new thing though ( which I'm sure all moms dread) is to gum down on my nipple when he poops while eating.
Like bracing himself I guess. I really hope he doesn't start teething anytime soon!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012


Linc and I have been a little lonely. there isn't much to do after the work day is done. we've been using the moby wrap to get our chores all done, so much faster, and then I think Now What?! I made yummy pulled pork last night in the pressure cooker, but I didn't have to start it til 10 at night. We have no microwave so timing food is a little difficult. I need it to be hot when kalob gets home. So sometimes I'm not even cooking our dinner til midnight.

Linc and I play together and I teach him things as we clean up, but there's only so much to do. He sits in his bumbo while i fold. He plays toys while i make the bed. He has tummy time while i load the dishwasher. then we watch The Hills. Nap. Bath. he gets tired of me taking pictures of him. See.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Lincoln recently had all his shots. He was 14.4 lbs and 24 inches long. he's a healthy fat baby. We did confirm he had a broken clavicle, but I believe he will be just fine. It's caused no real issues thus far. The pediatrician said if he was slumping on that side by 4 months, than he could need physical therapy. His neck muscles seemed tight on that side.

Linc has been changing so much. Overnight he develops something new. He really wants to sit up so he lifts his head to his chest and grunts. Poor thing is just straining...but still laying down. He loves sitting and standing and playing with toys.

 I just got a moby wrap for mothers day. That's making work a lot easier.

Linc doesn't love tummy time. He supermans on his fat belly the entire time. He doesn't put his legs down and relax at all. workin that core! He turns his head to watch tv- he loved gossip girl! I'm still waiting for a real laugh!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

First swim!

Lincoln tried out the pool today. just for a short bit because I didn't want him in the sun too long, if his skin is like mine, he will get crispy quick. the water was super cold so we just put our feet in. His swim outfit is a lil big, but at the rate he's growing, by the end of the summer it might be tight! I wanna get him a floating seat with an umbrella because I have a feeling linc and Ezra will be spending a lot of time out there cuz it gets blistering hot here. He got super tired pretty fast, the sun sucked all the energy out of him.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fancy disaster

So the other two mommas and I decided to go out to dinner together since our husbands all work very late. 3 moms 3 babies and high hopes, all packed up around 5 o clock on Wednesday. Becca chose this Italian restaurant, because she had been to it 2 years previous. we show up and it's fancier than she remembered. they seat us at the most front table facing the door and tell us the table has a reservation at 7:30 so we need to hurry. rude. I'm sure they seated us there to scurry us along and out of the restaurant.
I was feeling flustered because normally I'd have kalob to pass Lincoln back and forth with so we both can eat if he got fussy. I knew if he started crying I was trapped. I couldn't just leave outside for the other girls to pick up my tab. And what if he was hungry? This wasn't the place for breastfeeding , And what if he had a blow out!!? I could hear the click click of the lil time bomb that was in his carseat on the floor. Impending doom.
none of us were conversing with eachother; only hushing our lil ones between bites. Inevitably linc started crying. Everyone was staring at us, and you'd think on a Wednesday night a restaurant wouldn't be packed, this wasn't the case. It was full, even the outside seating and it was even raining! it was business suits having wine and people meeting dates at the bar and everyone had reservations - I would know, being so close to the door. I wanted to get my check after 3 forkfulls.
normally people around town are SO friendly. waving me over in Walmart to see Lincoln. Or the old sample ladies googooing and pinching him at sams club. Again, not the case. Check please! Everyone was glaring at us! Needless to say, we rushed out of there as fast as the restraint harnesses in the carseats would allow. I was on my knees on the floor trying to buckle him , it was so embarrassing. None of the 3 of us even spoke, just got in our cars and left horrified.
Next time, girls night out will be at Denny's or just pizza in. sometimes I just take a deep breath and say " this is my life now. " I accept it and most of the time I love it.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Looking back

so now that I have a two month old, he's no longer a newborn. this makes me very sad. I cried when he was just a week old, saying he wasn't newborn anymore. He is so big now.

We are trying to get him to sleep in his own bed a couple hours a night. Since we moved and went on trips so soon after he was born, he got used to sleeping in his carseat or in the nook of my arm in our bed. He has a hard time with so much openness in the crib. His arms flail around while he's dreaming and he gets upset.
Anyways, when I got him to sleep and laid him alone in his crib and got into our bed without him, I felt heartbroken. I don't want him to be a big boy so soon! luckily he only stays in there alone for an hour before he realizes where he is, And where I am not.

these pictures are precious to me. He was so small. kalob had to leave us the week Lincoln was born for four days. It was miserable but we got through it. These are pictures I sent him while he was away.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sumb thucker

lil linc is trying to be a sumb thucker (this is how I accidentally say it everytime.) my mom was helping him do it the day he was born. and I've caught him doing it a couple times now. I don't know how bad it is for his teeth but I'm all for the self soothing because when he pops out his binky he wakes up looking for it and then cries. So I kinda hope he figures the whole thumb thing out, he can't lose that. He has super big hands too, so the target should be easier. He just wants to fit in with his cousins Leah and lily. Oh and side note, linc no longer gets baby acne but he does however get baby erections and pees out the top/ side of his diaper. no one told me this could happen! perfectly normal though, just producing lots of testosterone.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2 months!

Lincoln pooped on me today. That was a first. And hopefully a last.