Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Holiday cheer, Lincoln's sad ear

This little cutie has his first ear infection. he has always liked to play with his ears, and ours, so it's hard to tell if his ears are bothering him or if it's just habit. We bought a scope so we could see for ourselves. He got super grumpy that last 3 days, and we checked his ears daily, and yesterday he had a lot of redness. The dr didn't like the idea of us having our own scope, but she was delighted that he had no problem letting her check his out. he sits perfectly still for it. 
 Other than that, our holidays have been going well! we drove to ca for thanksgiving. 
we stopped in mesquite for $5.99 prime rib.  They had no kids menu, so Lincoln got his very own huge breakfast for dinner. He ate an entire giant pancake and 2 eggs! He tried a bite of bacon, he didn't spit it out but he didn't want anymore. 
thanksgiving dinner was at Kalob's grandma's in LA this year. we ate outside because the weather was nice. we also walked to the park to let Lincoln have some fun. 
Then we watched some movies.  Lincoln wants to be just like dad! Here they are sharing an apple 
And then he worked off the thanksgiving slog by jumping on a trampoline 
 Kiersten wanted to try somthing wild with her hair, so here are her aquamarine tips 
Lincoln likes to ride the fake turtle
And that was that. We spent a day in Bakersfield, Lincoln was able to play with his cousins that he has never met. He was their chef at their play diner. He loves nothing more than playing "with kids." We ate 2nd thanksgiving out at my Aunt Ladonna's and planned a trip to Disney in the new year!!! Lincoln is going to love it!  
We stopped in primm to visit best friends 
I watched a couple games of craps, kalob tryin to explain it. there are a lot of rules! One of them being No cell phones at the table! Who knew!? then I went upstairs to help babysit these little buddies. They jumped on the bed and zoomed hot wheels across the hotel room floor. 
 And now we've been back 2 weeks and Lincoln's sick. I've been doing a lot of online shopping :) and trying to make it Christmas in our apartment. We got a real tree this year, first time since kalob and I's first Christmas as a married couple. 
I really love it and it smells sooo good! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Loving our Lincoln

Blurry but I love it.
Lincoln is a creative boy these days. He loves play dough, painting, markers and crayons, playing with puffs and pipe cleaners, and we just got him some flash cards to practice numbers and letters. he blows us away with his comprehension. I can't believe he will be 2 in March! here's a peak into his life as of late 
Here we took egg carton( we bought a case at SAMs club, so he has Lots of egg crate to play with) I cut it up and had him paint the "flowers". Then I glued a button in the center and hot glued a pipe cleaner stem onto the base . The results were awesome, and his grandma really appreciated her flowers for her birthday :) 
he was really proud of them; he dumped her gift bag out, he was so eager to give them to her. 
Pushing puffs through a water bottle top. 
Playing spaghetti! I gave him a bowl and some tongs, but they are in motion in this picture, they disappeared. 
Playing with his locks and latches board.
Playing hamburger. It's the strangest game. But this happens daily. He says he's the meat and the cushions are bun. 
It doesn't even matter if you're sleeping on the couch either :)
Oh you know, just riding a buffalo. 
And lastly helping dad work on the car. He has a great personality and he brings so much joy to our lives. we love our Lincoln! 

Science nerd alert

We visited our local planetarium recently! It's right up Kalobs alley, and I know Lincoln will soon follow in his footstep to love all things science/technology/space. In the picture above, they created their own mini tornado. 
Blowing the clouds. ( aka caldron) this was definitely Lincoln's favorite part.
Touching a plasma ball. I think that's what they are called. 
Looking into a microscope.  it was really neat and simple. You couldn't spend hours there, which is good, because a 20 month old has an attention span of like 3 minutes.  they have an incredible gift store filled with everything a curious little scientist could want. Grow your own rocks crystals, dinosaur excavation kits, solar system mobiles,,, you name it, they have it. I wanted to buy everything, for kalob actually :) for them to enjoy together. I think I'll be hitting it up before Christmas! Can't believe it's coming so soon! 

Friday, November 15, 2013


Wowzas! I have so much back tracking to do! how did I get so behind!  So this is just going to be a bunch of pictures! Prepare yourself.  

Riding a straw rocking pony. 
Went to the circus! 
Lincoln and his cousin Charleigh adoring eachother. Much like how he was when his cousins came to visit. Gazing into their eyes. 
Before and after on my beautiful Molly j. 
Sister in laws pretty hair. 
My sisters awesome ombré hair. Before I was a mommy, I did hair in a salon, incase I never said that before in this blog. hair is a love in my life, but nothing trumps mommihood. I do hair on the side, occasionally :) 
Me! Pretending to have bangs like my sister. Laugh. Laugh a lot. I did. 
the imagine dragons concert. we heard Clint's song Cha Ching preformed live. It was really cool and kinda sad too. Wish Clint would be given the credit he deserves,,,,and the cash. Everyone! Shameless plug right here. Find a way and buy imagine dragon's album with "Cha Ching(till we grow older) " on it.  The United States released album doesn't have it, it's considered a spotify special song, something like that. they play it live on tour though.  Lets just face the facts, you're not getting the whole experience if the album doesn't have the song on it. I wish I could play the video of it live here, but you can hear me screeching "it's your song! It's your song" over the music :) how embarrassing. people in the arena knew he wrote the music for it and were blowing up Kalobs phone saying "hey didn't your brother-in-law write this song!? " 
These are balloons full of money at our year end party. I won a $50 gift card to target, and hustled my butt off for 10 singles when those balloons fell upon us. it was crazy town, a lot of jabbing and scratching happened. but ten bucks is worth losing an eye over, ya? 
Umm? Naked butt, tv watching.  By the way, rant coming.  Who watches caillou? Man I hate that show.  He's supposed to be four, yet he's bald as a baby. and he is such a whiner, teaches kids to complain. Oh and another one Sid the science kid. I feel like the characters might be special needs. ( I have no issue with special needs cartoon characters or people.)  Though, they don't ever say that. They are just drawn in a very funny way that it is subjective. I guess if you watch it, you would know what I mean. 
Ok that's all I can get through tonight! 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The end of October.

Dun dun dun. The title just sounded ominous. you know how I love holidays, and kalob doesn't? Well, I don't know why I expected anything different. 
The couple days prior to Halloween were great, I'll admit that, but the day of...total letdown. 
 Here we are pretending to bubble bubble toil and trouble over a witches caldron. ( it's really just a cloud machine, but it was fun nonetheless.)
We carved our pumpkins. 
Look at those wrinkles I'm creating on my brow! man, I'll be 30 in no time, those frown lines are telling me. 
Cheeser! unfortunately I forgot to take a finished picture! Shame on me! I didn't have any tea lights; I asked kalob to pick up some, guess what he bought. real candles, in glass cups, Like glade. " it was cheaper to buy 2 of those, than buy a pack of ten tea lights" So our jack-o-lanterns gave off the smell of passion fruit party and oatmeal cookie!   
Our little leaguer loved going trick or treating at the Hogle zoo, even if this picture reads otherwise:)  they had tons of little candy stations, my favorite though was the Got Milk booth. They had a costumed cow and were giving out cold string cheese. Thoughtful huh! Frito lay was passing out Doritos. I just thought it was neat that vendors brought snacks instead of candy. well the vendor with the giant strawberry was whole foods, and Lincoln was terrified. I'm a mean mommy for taking the picture, but it was too good. There were zombies and devils but no, my kid cries over a fruit. 
  luckily, we did take him trick or treating here at the zoo a couple days in advance because my Halloween plans didn't go how I imagined. 
The plan was to go make dinner in logan at my moms. Then go trick or treating in her neighborhood. We live on a college campus in a crappy apartment, I didn't think he'd get the experience I was wanting here. Well...kalob then tells me that he must replace a water heater for someone. someone we love, and I'm not upset that he did it. but dissapointed that kalob did not make it back intime to go trick or treating. I've been married to him for almost 7 years, it's just how he is. Someone needs him, he's there, sharing his talents. how could he let them boil water to take a bath a day longer. I get that.  I'm selfish sometimes, I just wanted to take our baby door to door. I wanted to here him say trick or treat and thank you in his sweet little voice. Instead I made my Grammie duffel's vegetable beef soup and passed out candy. At least linc is too young to know what he was missing. next year, it's happening! maybe I'll insist kalob dress up in a family matchy matchy costume to make up for his lack of enthusiasm this year.