Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Jersey!!

I have yet to see orange people. I have yet to see hair like the Situation. is that even his name?? I've never watched the Jersey shore. I did however see multiple grandmas wearing velour track suits in the grocery store. that seems a popular trend for the oldies, along with lots of jewels and big hair.
we tried to grocery shop two times at the nearest places- shop rite and wegmans. Very much like whole foods, you want to buy everything, but your wallet hates you after two aisles. We've got to find cheaper alternatives or kalob will only be working to cover our food and rent back in Utah.
Lincoln and Ezra are so funny together. We were working in the office and it got very quiet...we look in the kitchen and both boys were in a ground cabinet on the shelf. they are the cutest mischief makers you can handle. Lincoln just wants to kiss Ezra too!
We haven't heard any test results on Lincoln. but out of the blue, he's decided to eat more. He's becoming a good listener, so when I say, do you need a snack? go to your high chair if you need a snack. he walks over and waits. it's so neat when you know they are understanding you! he helped me wipe up his spaghetti mess today too, Mommys lil helper.
It's hard to adjust to kalob being gone. we really can spend all our time together. but of course it's not realistic :) people gotta work!
I'm looking forward to my brothers and Jency getting here next week. it won't feel as lonely knowing they are out here working too. Sundays will be our happy day of rest! Exploring our new surroundings, eating good food, and relaxing!
so here are some boring pictures of our place. 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. A washer dryer combined machine- it takes four hours per load, I guess it's cool for people that forget to change the laundry over to the dryer. decent kitchen,,,with oh so many cabinets!
Lincoln put a strawberry slice in his nose today :)
he makes a squished face when he knows I'm taking a picture of him.
he loves watching movies now. especially while driving. He points and says doggie doggies to the car screen.
He's started eating hotdogs, blueberry muffins, strawberries but most of all Bananas. he Loves Bananas, he can eat the whole thing pretty much. one a day at least. he likes to hold the entire thing, he peels as he goes. while driving he got so upset (30+ hours would be upsetting to anyone) that he was cramming banana into his eye. his way of saying kill me already people! and we just let him fall asleep with it. clutching it. smashed everywhere. when he finally got to the hotel, people saw him and kinda snickered at us. yup , my white trash baby, covered head to toe in crusty banana.


  1. hahaha! your comments cracked me up! i didn't even realize anyone reads my blog! love that you guys are here in jersey with us! And the picture of lincoln eating spaghetti with the strawberry in his nose makes me laugh :) love that kid! oh and im jealous you have your kitchen aid out here!!!

  2. Your new place looks awesome! I love the kitchen. So glad that you guys made it alright. Lincoln looks adorable, as usual. So happy you guys are on the east coast again!
